Deciding to begin a multi-level marketing home-based business is a big decision. Most of us are very familiar with the drawbacks of both home-based businesses and multi-level marketing. What you may not be familiar with are the advantages of starting a multi-level marketing home-based business.Today's easy access to the Internet and the ease of obtaining a laptop or PC makes starting and maintaining an online home-based business easier than ever. Working from home allows you to make money in your pajamas without ever leaving your house. The added lure of setting your own hours and working for yourself attracts many to home-based businesses.A multi-level marketing home-based business that is past the initial development phase could take as little as five hours a week to maintain your current earnings. Of course, investing more time and effort into your business means a greater return profit for you and your multi-level marketing team, but the assurance that your profits will continue with little effort on your part is very attractive for many entrepreneurs. Networking can be successfully performed by persons of nearly every age and education level. Multi-level marketing businesses provide equal opportunities for all who are interested in creating multiple streams of income.Most well established forms of multi-level marketing businesses offer a simple to use, prepackaged plan of action to help make your business successful. Long gone are the days of investing countless hours to develop and perfect a simple networking strategy while pushing direct product sales to maintain a small profit to make the entire effort worthwhile.In theory, a multi-level marketing business has unlimited earning potential. Business owners that stick with the program and continue to grow, learn and invest in their business reap the rewards of increasing profits and residual income as new recruits far below them continue to build the business for them.Most multi-level marketing business opportunities offer a proven training system and upline advice and guidance from those who have succeeded in the same business. This support system is geared to return optimal performance since the success of the little guy benefits the major players as well. This unique system of common dependence ensures mutual involvement and support for young upstarts and those who are struggling to achieve success.Individual business owners determine the level of commitment that they invest in their own businesses. If you can only commit to 10 hours a week, you set the pace and the business goals for your company accordingly. Ultimately, you are your own boss when you begin a multi-level marketing business.The success and failure of others in the business benefits those who are just beginning. Most multi-level marketing businesses abound with stories and testimonials from fellow business owners who are eager to share the secrets to their success as well as the experiences of failure and disappointment that they have had along the way. This provides a learning environment and system of encouragement that is unique to multi-level marketing businesses.These eight advantages of beginning a multi-level marketing home-based business are only a few of the general positive aspects that business owners experience. Many more benefits can be reaped by individual business owners as they strive for success with a multi-level marketing home-based business.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Attractive Benefits of Owning a Multi-Level Marketing Home-Based Business
What is Two Cycle Billing?
The term “two cycle billing” may not be common knowledge to all credit card users, but it is a concept that everyone should be aware of. Some issuers have been moving away from the average daily billing cycle and changing over to the two cycle way of calculating the interest earned on balances. Two cycle billing does not greatly affect users that tend the carry a balance, but it does however affect cardholders that pay there balance off monthly.
In order to understand two cycle billing you must first understand the average daily billing method, which will now be explained. Let’s say that you own a credit card with a 15% interest rate and your billing cycle for the month of April runs from the 1st through the 30th of the month. At the beginning of the month you have a balance of textarea on the card. Now, on the 10th of April you make a purchase of 00, which means you are going to carry that balance for 20 days until the current billing cycle ends. You must now calculate the average daily balance for the month of April. To do so you must first multiply the balance of the card by the number of days the balance was carried (00 × 20 days = 20,000), then you will divide that number by the total days in the billing cycle (20,000 ÷ 30 = 666.67). You have now figured out that your average daily balance for April would be 6.67. If this card uses the average daily billing cycle and you started the month with a textarea balance, there will be no interest charged as long as the April balance is paid off in full. This billing cycle essentially gives you a grace period on purchases as long as the balance is paid off in full each month. But, if this credit card uses the two cycle billing method, you would be charged interest for the month of April when you receive your bill in May because your average daily balance is based on the last 2 billing cycles. So, when you receive your bill for May, you will have a finance charge that is due, even though your balance was paid off in full for April and you didn’t make any purchases with the card in May. In order to figure out how much your interest would be, you will take the average daily balance × number of days in the billing cycle × periodic interest rate. Below are the calculations to figure out your interest due in May.
Average daily balance 1000 × 20 ÷ 61 = 327.87
Number of days in billing cycle 30 + 31 = 61
Periodic interest rate 15 ÷ 365 = .0411
Finance charge for May 327.87 × 61 × .000411 = 8.22
Based on the interest rate of 15% stated above, you will receive a bill in May that shows a finance charge of .22 even though the balance was paid in full in April. As you can now see, the two cycle billing method of calculating interest is not ideal for users that choose to pay there balance of in full each month. Essentially, a two cycle billing card will start charging interest from the day the purchases is made, which will eliminate the grace period that is provided by a card that uses the average daily billing method.
As you can now see, the two cycle billing method of calculating interest would mainly effect users that always pay their balance off in full because they will still be paying interest on purchases even when there is no balance being carried over on the card. So, next time you are looking for a new credit card make sure you look at the fine print to check for what type of billing method they use for that card.
Why People are so Crazy about Iphone
The Most ever Hyped device Iphone is already on the streets of USA. Rest of the world is waiting for its entry into their own countries.So what's so Great about it.Let's recall the words of Steve Jobs during iPhone product announcement event. "Today we are introducing three revolutionary Products.The First One is a wide Screen Ipod with Touch controls, the second is a revolutionary mobile Phone and the thrid is a break through internet communicator.These are not three devices,this is one device and we are calling it iPhone. Today apple has reinvented the phone". Build Specifications:- So lets discuss about the iphone and the features that make everyone crazy over the Iphone. The dimensions of Iphone are 115 x 61 x 11.6 mm or 4.5 x 2.4 x 0.46 inches and it weights about 135 grams . The Front is almost occupied by a huge display with a small speaker on the top and a Home Button below it. It is not a flip Phone or even a slide Phone. There is no QWERTY keypad or even the Number pad in the Iphone. On the left hand side Iphone is having a speaker and a ring/Silent button. On the top a standard headset Jack, a Sim Card slot and a Sleep/wake Button.A dock is Provide for charging the Iphone and is compatible with Ipod. On the back it has a 2Mp Camera on the top Left Corner.The most promising feature of Iphone is Large touchscreen. Even the Nokia N95 is also not comparable with resolution and display size provided by Apple Iphone.Another Promising feature of Iphone is Multi-touch user interface. It can recognize you finger gestures and actions and has the ability to ignore unintended touches. Apple claims Iphone as a non Stylus needed touch sensitivity phone. Wit the Multi Touch feature Iphone can recognize your fingers whether you are using a single finger or Multiple fingers.So while browsing a web page for example you can click with a single finger to open a link at the same time use the second finger to scroll around. Even Iphone recognizes unintended touches (i.e) if you place all the fingers at a time and do something on the iphone, Iphone would not react to your actions and stays like a teddybear.The thrilling feel of the Multi-Touch interface is the Pinch and Zoom feature. Whenever you need to zoom in anything on the screen, simply hold the tips of your index finger and thumb together, touch the screen and Pull your fingers apart to zoom out and simply sense the action.Iphone screen is scratch resistant.Symbian is O/s Being used for most mobile Phones today. What could be the O/S for Iphone? Great Iphone runs on Mac Os X. The most Popular desktop operating system from the Apple for Mac computers. The Mac Os X is at the heart of the Iphone. But why would we want to run such a Sophisticated Operating System on a Iphone. It Provides powerful features than any other mobile O/s. It has Multitasking, the best Networking, Power Management and efficiency techniques.
Above all the base of Os X means that all the applications and networking on the iphone are desktop class. Photo gallery, Photo Manager , Calendar, Maps, Applications, E-mail and a lot more applications that are working on Mac OsX can work on Iphone with reduced functionality.These applications are very rare to find in window CE and Symbian Mobile Phones.Iphone Provides you the complete Browsing Experience with the fastest Built-in Safari Browser.Iphone is Powered with Multitasking Features. So You can read a web page while downloading e-mail in the Background.There are tiny widgets available with iphone for information on stock markets and weather forecasts. You can also schedule the widget to automatically display at a certain time and the day of week it should display. The iphone stock widget lets you track stock market condition for as many companies as you want. And also widgets like scientific calculator, Units Convertor are available in Iphone. You can combine multiple widgets on to a single screen like a dashboard.Even the Most Populous Google Maps is available as a widget in Iphone. Eric Schimdt Google CEO joined Apple's board few months ago and this is the first product to come out of the relationship between apple and google.once you enter a search criteria in the google maps widget, it directly takes you to detail map pointing with a red marker. If you enter "NewYork" it shows you the map of Newyork and exact location of the Place.Google Maps is an Best Implemented widget on Iphone.Does apple has reinvented the Phone ? My answer is No Since apple actually has made this device right in terms of adding advanced features, Excellent build quality and a never experienced interface for a phone which was lagging from other competitors until Now.
BMW 650i Pros And Cons
The BMW 6 series was relaunched in 2004 with the BMW 645i. This car was a two door, four passenger luxury sports car. This car is ideal for a sports car enthusiast who would prefer a larger, more practical car compared to the 650's 2 passenger, lighter peers. In 2006, BMW upgraded the 645i to a 650i by increasing the engine a little. When including options and taxes, the 650i tends to run at about $80,000, so it's not exactly cheap. Here are the pros and cons of the car:
Amazing handling: The car is amazing to drive. When you drive the car, you feel as if you have total control over the vehicle. A car such as the Mercedes CLS (also priced near $80k) just cannot match this car's handling. The BMW 650i definitely has the handling one would expect from a German-made luxury sports car.
Gadgets: The BMW 650i comes with BMW's Idrive, an all-encompassing electronic system. The Idrive controls the navigation system, music, air conditioning, as well as communication system. The Idrive also has voice command, making it easy to use when driving. Some believe the Idrive is a bit difficult to operate. That's hogwash. Within two weeks of owning the car, anyone competent enough to use a computer or a DVD should be able to operate the Idrive flawlessly. The Idrive is the gadget-lover's ultimate car toy.
Interior: The interior of the 650i is beautiful. It has modern, classy feel to it. Your taller passengers will certainly appreciate being seated in the front though, as the back is not exactly spacious.
Acceleration: With a V8 and 360 hp, the car isn't exactly going to be outrun by a Civic. The acceleration and amazing breaks can also help you get out of accidents that other cars wouldn't be able to avoid.
Reliability: Expect to make stops at the service center every now and then. While it is a wonderful car, it is prone to electronic and tire issues.
Price: At about $80,000, it's not exactly in the everyman's budget. But if you are willing to spend this much money on a car, the 650i is definitely a good one to check out.
Pros And Cons of Different Types Of Investments
When deciding where to invest your money, you need to always take into account your investment goals and objectives. Different types of investments carry varying degrees of risks and potential return.
A bank CD is a very safe investment. The CD is FDIC insured up to $100,000, so there truly is minimal risk. The only downside is that you cannot withdraw that money in the CD for a specific amount of time or else you'll receive a penalty. Bank CDs generally only pay up to 5% interest.
A bond is essentially a loan you make to a company or a government. Bonds have varying degrees of risk, from essentially risk-free treasuries to junk bonds. The higher the risk of the bond, the higher the return will generally be.
Stocks are investments in companies. Depending on the company, the risk of the investment can be high or low. Obviously, buying stock in Johnson and Johnson is a lot less risky than a new internet startup company. In general, the stock market returns on average about 10% a year, though the actual return of any given stock will vary significantly.
Mutual Funds
A mutual fund typically invests in over 100 stocks, so it's an instant way to diversify your portfolio. However, the mutual fund generally charges a fee, which is about 1% of your assets per year. Because of this fee, most mutual funds do not outperform the market; a monkey blindly picking 100 stocks but not charging you a fee could easily outperform most mutual funds.
Real Estate
Real estate is a popular investment. The most obvious real estate investment you'll make is when you purchase your home. Your home can go up or down in value when you sell it; it depends on the housing market in your area.